
Distance from hotel: 0.2 km

The Forest


The Forest Chapel was built in 1909/10 from donations of the Hessenwinkel citizens, it was designed by the architects Peter Jürgensen and Jürgen Bachmann who also designed the Town Hall and the Tabor Church in Wilhelmshagen. Today the chapel is supported by the Freundeskreis der Waldkapelle ( Friend Circle of the Forest Chapel ) with further support from the organisation "Berlin Monument Protection".

Held here, alongside the prayer services are musical events, exhibitions and readings.

The forest chapel holds 80 people and has a reed organ and a wooden gallery. The bells are sounded electronically.

In front of the chapel there is an event tree, on which the wedding couple can immortalise there day with a small memorial plaque.


Waldkapelle Hessenwinkel, 
Waldstraße, Jagen 229, 
12589 Berlin-Wilhelmshagen

Opening times for visits:

10th April – 19th Oktober on
every Saturday and Sunday
from 14.00-17.00 

Contact person for ceremonies:

Evangelisches Pfarr- und Gemeindehaus, Eichbergstraße 18, 12589 Berlin
Parish Office, Frau Neuse, Parish Clerk, Tel: 030-6489128